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Bright Tangerine at Cine Gear Expo 2024

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Cine Gear has been running since 1996, growing to become the premier event in the technology, entertainment and media industry.

The Brits from Bright Tangerine are preparing to fly to LA next month for the unforgettable experience at the iconic Warner Bros, Studios – Burbank, CA.

Fellow Brit, Alister Chapman, will also be supporting our booth sharing his years of filmmaking knowledge.

Sign up for our newsletter if you want to keep updated as we share exclusive filmmaking content and latest offerings whilst we countdown to the event.

Come chase the storm with us

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Behind the scenes, Storm Chasing with Sony Ambassador Alister Chapman

Bright Tangerine captured behind the scenes footage with Alister storm chasing. Stay tuned for our emails to be the first to see the video!

Now you too can chase the storm! Capture a photo with a Bright Tangerine member wearing our storm badge at the event and get some merch!

Where to find us?

Visit Bright Tangerine at Booth 724 on French Street to explore our latest offerings. From precision matte boxes to high-end camera equipment, Bright Tangerine’s lineup is a must-see for any filmmaker serious about quality.  

Plus, don’t miss your chance to have tea with the team and sign our board!

Get your free exhibition pass

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Registration is free through 11:59 pm PDT on May 28th 2024.

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